Power corrupts
Knowledge is power
Study hard. Be evil
Knowledge is power indeed
On the other hand, secret knowledge is secret power. It enables those who hide it from you to sometimes use it against you to benefit themselves and groups of likeminded colleagues and co-conspirators who use the apparatus of State to undermine/firewall your political influence. Secrecy is the dynamics of political power used by all Governments across the world that are mainly run by the rich for the rich.
Wabbithole is an endeavour to show the hidden pillars of political systems that prop up a facade of respectability, moral rectitude, rule of law & democracy. Pillars hidden by cabals within the labyrinth of Government, gangs of secret oath keepers operating in a parallel world of covert actions globally, often aided by the military resource of State, who break every law under the sun to achieve various integrated goals for the benefit of co-opted leaders within spheres; commercial, industrial, financial, political, ideological, religious, psychological. We’ll be taking a look at the sprawling web of the Global Power Elite covering the globe, and how they use the language of Doublespeak & Newspeak to dumb down the ‘public’ they ceaselessly lie to about the true nature of world events.
Talking about gangs of secret oath keepers operating in a parallel world of covert actions globally, often aided by the military resource of State. Please watch this video of ex green beret Lt Colonel Ivan Raiklin talking to a journalist about an operation to expose and prosecute key Deep State actors in the US who co-ordinated the Covid vaccine scam.