Whoever controls the flow of information/data, controls the body politic that absorbs it as truth.
At the macro level the hidden payload of mass coverage within news narratives for example is the dumping of repetitive ideas & memes upon the collective mind, public consciousness, which soaks it up without any blockers like a biological cell fooled into receiving a destructive nano-particle as a friend into its inner core.
The News Wire today is organised like a virus for infecting human consciousness configured linguistically to not only alter the collective state of mind but to ultimately manipulate human behaviour. The payload is mass formation of group think across the widest possible cultural, political and religious spectrum that contradicts what the public can see happening with their own eyes & interferes with their natural cognitive ability to discern what is real and what is not real The repetitive narrative is a mesmerisation machine used by Directors of MSM to keep the public in a permanent state of cognitive dissonance, confusion, & more importantly politically neutered.
Western MSM is a Suppression of Truth Complex used by Senior Service Operators within the Military Industrial Complex to wage wars with public consent, a consensus engineered through a stream of lies, disinformation, propaganda, half truths, shadow talk spoken by anchors. Anchors are called anchors to anchor you mind to their narrative.