Let’s begin with a segment from the Atlantic Council.
The spread of COVID-19 has become not only one of the deadliest pandemics in modern history, but also a dominating flashpoint in the global contest for information among nations, with competing narratives reflective of competing political systems. The fact that there were conflicting narratives originating from different countries, as well as official and non-official sources, added to the informational chaos circulating on social media, traditional media, and public discourse in general. These narratives added to public mistrust in governments’ handling of the pandemic, and likely made international cooperation more difficult.
The key phrase here is ‘competing narratives reflective of competing political systems’. The competing political systems are competing corporations per se. For, what are political systems exactly but economic systems managed by politicians who live in the back pockets of major corporations who finance their political life?
So who’s going to fight for the global recognition of a pharmaceutical corporations as bona fide health conscious businesses that will deliver billions of vaccines across the world prioritizing human safety over profit? Most likely the politician whose political career has been given a financial uplift by such corporations who use agencies such as lobbyists to convince them.
For example, the crooked way in which insider knowledge is handled by top people within the finance industry who stand to benefit from it before market forces come into play is common knowledge as FACT. Likewise BIG PHARMA who had inside knowledge of a COVID scam that would rake in $billions in a very short period of time.
Corporations relying on a global marketplace for their products need a global media to produce a single narrative to sell their new products globally which is fed by all kinds of professionals who are good at SELLING their CAREERS to the highest bidder.
Jon Snow cuts Interview on Channel 4
This interview in 2020 conducted by Anchor Jon Snow for MSM Channel Four News in the UK before the COVID lockdown was introduced by the UK Government is a classic example of deception by the media suppressing the truth about COVID in the early stages of its trajectory into the realm of causing WORLD PANIC.